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Dog Barking Constantly? Here Are 6 Reasons Behind It!

There are many reasons when a dog barks continuously. It's better to know the reasons why dogs bark and how to deal with them properly below. 

Smart Buddy, barking is a natural behavior for dogs. There are various reasons why dogs bark.

If you find a dog that won't stop barking and is disturbing the peace in your home, then you need to find out why. 

After knowing the cause, you can give a handler for your beloved dog. Also, what you should know is that barking can have many meanings, but you still have to look at the situation.

Also read: 7 Causes Cats Never Meow And How To Overcome Them

Well, here are some causes that you should know why dogs keep barking and also how to overcome them.

The Reasons Behind Dogs That Often Barking

Dog Barking Constantly? Here Are 6 Reasons Behind It!

If your dog has a special trigger that causes him to keep barking, such as a stranger walking in front of him or he senses a loud noise, then you can remove the stimulus.

Use stickers to cover windows or close curtains when visual stimuli occur. 

If your dog keeps barking when you want to leave the house, then give him an activity to distract him, such as giving your dog a toy or favorite food.

Then, there are other reasons and ways when dogs always bark like the following. 

1. Territorial

The first reason dogs bark is when other animals or people enter an area that is the dog's territory, it often makes the dog bark excessively.

When the threat is getting closer to him, the barking will be louder. Your dog will look very aggressive and alert when he barks. 

2. Being Scared

Some dogs bark at a foreign object or sound that can attract their attention and make them feel startled.

For example, hearing an alarm or this behavior can occur anytime and anywhere, not only within its territory. 

3. Feeling Bored

As you know, dogs are emotional animals. So, never leave him alone for long periods of time, either in the yard or in the house.

Dogs who feel sad or bored will often bark and even sound like crying because they don't feel happy. 

4. Invites To Play

Next is a dog that often barks when other animals or people pass in front of it, it becomes a form of greeting. Generally a happy bark will be accompanied by a wagging tail and even he will jump. 

5. Seeking Attention

A dog that keeps barking can also mean that he wants something, such as playing with you, taking an afternoon walk around the complex, or wanting his favorite snack. 

6. Anxiety Because Of The Separation

The reason the dog barks last time is that the dog is experiencing excessive anxiety because he will be separated or when he is alone.

Then, he will also show other signs, such as depression, destructiveness, pacing and improper elimination. 

He did this excessive barking just to be able to hear his own voice. In addition, he will also perform repetitive movements, such as circling or running along the gate. 

How To Overcome Dogs Barking Constantly

Dog Barking Constantly? Here Are 6 Reasons Behind It!

One way to calm your dog down is not to scream because the dog will think you're following him. Then, what is the right way to stop it? Well, here are some ways you can do it. 

1. Invite Dogs To Socialize

A dog has a sensitivity to objects and people he just met. When outside the house he would bark more often because he saw many strangers in front of him.

The way you can do so that he doesn't bark is not to call his name by shouting. You can approach him, then rub his head and try to direct him to follow you. Invite your dog into the house and give him a toy or treat he likes. 

Dogs will bark excessively when he is feeling lonely. Therefore, don't you leave him alone too often, okay! 

2. Switch With His Favorite Food

Quoted from the Human Society, a dog that often barks can also be interpreted as being hungry. His barking becomes an expression when he wants to ask for food.

Signs that he is hungry are barking not too loud and there is a pause when he is barking.

When dogs bark around your house, invite your dog into the house and close the doors and curtains so he doesn't bark again.

In addition, you can also give him his favorite food. Give between dogs to stop barking. 

Hold the food he likes to his nose. This is done to give him appreciation when he can stop barking. Repeat this until the dog is completely calm. 

3. Make A Routine To Do List

If the dog is made a schedule of certain activities, such as playing, jogging and others. This can help him not to get used to barking.

He will become tired and tired of barking. Because, his energy and physique have been very drained for all the activities you have scheduled for him. 

However, to do this you have to consider the health and age of your pet dog. 

4. Take Your Time To Play

Dog barking can also be interpreted as a tool to communicate between dogs and their owners, but there is also a meaning when the dog is wanting to be noticed by you.

If your dog sees you are leaving, he will continue to bark, which is a sign that he is bored. 

If you have returned home, then it never hurts to invite him to play. Because after all, dogs are emotional animals so they need attention from their owners. 

Smart friends, those were some of the reasons dogs bark and how to deal with them properly. You must know this immediately so you are not confused when you face it later! 

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