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Eels (Anguilla sp.) Cultivation, Promises Tempting Profits

Various species of eels (Anguilla sp.) spread throughout the world originate from Indonesia. From the results of the research, it is known that out of 18 species of eels in the world, 12 species are found in Indonesia. However, unfortunately not many fishermen in Indonesia know and grow this fish. Although this fish is very popular in the international market, especially in China and Japan.

The Japanese community has long known the benefits contained in eels. The energy content of eels reaches 270 kcal/100 g, greater than chicken eggs. While the vitamin A contained in it is seven times more than chicken eggs, up to 4700 IU/100 g.

The life cycle of an eel is inversely related to that of a salmon. Adult eels will release their eggs in the deep sea. After becoming  glass eel  and  elver, will move to fresh or brackish water. The eels will migrate back to the deep sea to spawn once they are adults.

eels (Anguilla sp.)

When it comes to consuming eels, the Japanese community prioritizes the quality factor. In general, what they want is a 50 gram eel. Next they will grow the eel to the size they want. In this way, the flavor and quality of the eel will be well preserved.

Currently, the cultivation of eel fish in Indonesia is indeed developing. This venture promises tempting profits. So it is not surprising if many people practice eel cultivation. Wide open export opportunities. Eel cultivation is actually similar to eel or fish cultivation in general.

Also read: How to cultivate betta fish with a tarpaulin pond

What differentiates eel cultivation from eel or other fish is that eel is very sensitive to environmental changes so it needs to be made like its natural habitat. Here are the stages of Eel Cultivation

1. Pool Preparation 

Sidat can be cultivated in soil, concrete or tarpaulin ponds that are adapted to the resources and funds. The most important aspect of pool preparation for eel cultivation is that water circulation and aeration must continue for 24 hours.

A. Pool Type

Concrete ponds and tarpaulin ponds are the most widely used ponds for eel cultivation. Due to the nature of this fish which is very sensitive to environmental changes and likes its natural habitat, concrete ponds and tarpaulin ponds are easier to control the environment of the ecosystem.

B. Pool Temperature

The optimal pool water temperature is between 28° - 32°C. The water temperature of this pond is more detailed according to the stage of cultivation. For glass eel rearing, the optimal temperature is 28°-31°C, for elver rearing, the optimal temperature is 29°-32°C, while for growth, an optimal temperature of 28°-32°C is required.

C. The pH level of water

The acidity level (pH) of pond water in eel cultivation for optimal growth is around 7 - 8. As in general, fishery cultivation prefers pH conditions that are close to normal.

A pH of less than 7 is not suitable for eel cultivation because raising the pH requires an oxidation process that can reduce the oxygen content in the water.

D. Oxygen Content

Dissolved oxygen content in water is the most important factor in seaweed cultivation. The dissolved oxygen content that is good for eel growth is >5 mg/L. This is in accordance with the minimum dissolved oxygen requirement for tropical areas as well as cold areas or sea waters.

2. Seed selection 

To get eel seeds is not easy, because most of them still rely on natural catch and no one has been able to spawn them yet. Eel seeds start from the smallest size where the body condition of eel seeds is still transparent, which is called glass eel. Currently, there are many sidat seed collectors who market through online media.

3. Feed

eels (Anguilla sp.)

Eel fish feed from spawning to rearing can be in the form of natural feed or artificial feed. Natural feed ranging from plankton to silkworms. Artificial feed can be in the form of paste or pellets adapted to the age of the eel.

So that the condition of the pond water is always maintained and natural feed in the form of plankton can grow optimally in the pond water, it is necessary to add GDM Fisheries Liquid Organic Supplement to the pond water as much as 6 ml/m?3; once every week.

And it will be even better if SOC GDM is added in artificial feed for silage 10 ml/kg feed. The average feeding of eel is 2% - 4?ri biomass of eel weight every day, which is given 2 times, namely morning as much as 40?n night as much as 60%.

4. Level of Distribution 

There are 2 levels of silage production, namely production I for glass eel and production II for elver.

Distribution I is carried out in a circular fiber glass pool with a capacity of 500 liters. Dense breeding 20 tails/liter, with a preservation time of 45-50 days up to a size of 500 tails/Kg. Water replacement with recirculation system 75% every day. At this stage the pool is equipped with a filter tank, aeration and Ultra Violet.

Grade II is done after the eels have begun to pigment until the age of 3 months or the weight reaches 50 tails/Kg. Regular water replacement is done with a 30% recirculation system every day.

5. Enlargement 

The level of eel expansion is done in the expansion pond until the size of consumption or 2-3 tails/Kg. Stock density at this level is 5 tails/M?2;. Water change is still done by 40% every 3 days. A good feed for this stage is pellet feed that contains at least 40% protein.

6. Harvest Stage

Eels that are ready to be harvested for consumption measure 180-200 grams/head. The method of harvesting fish can be done gradually or simultaneously in one pond.

If it is gradual, the way is to fish eels with feeding, when fighting eels are easier to net. But if at the same time, the pool should be reduced and the eels herded to the storage tank. Separate the eels based on size in a shallow holding tank that is equipped with an aerator.
Cultivation of eels is actually similar to cultivation of other types of fish. Can use a normal pool or a tarp pool. If the consideration is cost, generally people choose to use a tarpaulin pool, because it is cheaper.

Even though the cultivation of eels is quite simple, it is still necessary to pay attention to some things so that there are no disturbances that can make the cultivation process fail.

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