The Secret To Good And Nutritious Hamster Food, No Less Than The Manufacturer!
Choosing a good hamster food, will certainly make them healthy and fit. The following are recommendations for natural and branded hamster foods that are worth paying attention.
Hamsters are now the preferred pet choice by many because of their small and adorable size.
Thanks to this too, of course you don't need to be confused about preparing many places in the house for a place to take care of your little friend on this one.
But make no mistake, it turns out that caring for a hamster can be a difficult thing to do, you know. Especially in matters of food selection.
The reason is that there are several prohibitions on hamster food which instead of being nutritious is actually harmful to the digestive system and health conditions.
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To help you choose a good and nutritious hamster food, here PetPi has summarized some options that you can make yourself and provide at home.
Good, Healthy And Nutritious Natural Hamster Food Choices
Hamsters are actually small average-sized rodents that are now a favorite among animal lovers to keep in their homes.
Classified as rodents, in the wild hamsters become animals that eat everything from seeds, vegetables and fruits, as well as insects.
As for pet hamsters, there's actually an easy option where you can buy factory feed with customized nutrition. Unfortunately, this type of food is quite expensive.
So to save on expenses, Smart friends, this time we will discuss a number of secrets of good and nutritious hamster food choices that you can get easily. What's up, huh?
Combination Of Grains
The first choice falls on a combination of grains that are easy for you to get, namely green beans, soybeans, brown rice, corn, white millet, and red millet.
You can find these seeds easily in stalls and markets. Meanwhile, millet or barley you can get at bird feed stores.
The way of presentation is easy, where you just mix the grains, the results are not inferior when compared to factory food.
The benefits also vary, ranging from brown rice and corn as a source of carbohydrates. Then there are soybeans and green beans as sources of vegetable protein and vitamins.
Meanwhile barley or millet has a function to increase energy as well as a source of nutrition for hamsters who are breastfeeding, you know.
Sunflower Seed
Some of you may think that sunflower seeds are a staple food for hamsters. Actually not wrong, but the gift must be right, yes!
First, don't give processed sunflower seeds aka kuaci that you usually eat. Because the spices in this kuaci can cause digestive problems, such as diarrhea.
Then the provision of sunflower seeds should be done only occasionally. This is because the fat content in sunflower seeds is relatively high so it is not appropriate to be used as daily feed.
Pet hamsters can also be given food in the form of fruits, one of which is apples that you can easily find on the market.
For those of you who want to make apples as food for small hamsters, such as the Roborovski hamster, you should cut them into small cubes according to their body size.
Don't forget to remove the apple seeds so that the hamster doesn't eat it. This is because apple seeds contain amygdalin compounds which are toxic.
Other fruits that you can make hamster food such as grapes, strawberries, watermelon, and bananas. But still in limited quantities and only occasionally, yes.
The prohibition on hamster food is from citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons which contain acids that can interfere with their digestive system.
Dr. Carol Osborne on the page also explains several types of vegetables that are safe for hamsters to eat, one of which is carrots.
But for those of you who want to make it a small hamster food, carrots are not recommended because they have the potential to cause diabetes because of their high sugar content.
Even so, he did not forbid it. Giving carrots to hamsters is not the main food, but a variation that you can give once a week and in small amounts.
Bean Sprouts
If you have a limited budget and want to provide snacks for hamsters, bean sprouts can be the cheapest option that you can get easily.
Just like before, you can give bean sprouts in limited quantities and have not been cooked.
Make sure the bean sprouts are raw, but you still have to wash them clean to maintain their hygiene from the dangers of bacteria and germs.
Boiled Eggs
Switching to a good hamster food type that contains animal protein, you can choose hard-boiled eggs, especially the whites.
The white part of this egg already contains enough protein to meet the nutritional needs of the hamster. You can also give it once a week as a variation.
In preparing hard-boiled eggs, make sure you cook them perfectly to avoid the risk of Salmonella bacteria found in raw eggs.
Hong Kong Caterpillar
Because in the wild hamsters also eat insects, you can also give Hong Kong caterpillars as an additional animal protein for your pets.
Besides Hong Kong caterpillars, you can also choose other insects such as German caterpillars or crickets that can be found at bird feed stores.
Unfortunately, some people avoid giving excess animal protein to their pet hamsters or only giving them in very limited quantities.
This is considered to trigger cannibalistic behavior in hamsters, especially for those of you who keep more than one hamster in a cage.
Bread And Pasta
In addition to some of the food for hamsters above, you can also give hamsters a variety of additional food in the form of bread, rice, and pasta, you know.
Reporting from the Thesprucepets page, there are several types of rice and wheat-based foods that are safe for consumption, such as:
- Brown rice (cooked);
- Whole grain pasta (cooked);
- Whole grain bread or toast; and
- Whole grain cereal (unsweetened).
How to give it is not difficult, just cut it into small pieces and then prepare a container according to the size of the food.
However, you also need to pay attention to the portion because of course too much will not be good for the health of your favorite hamster.
How Much Food Hamsters According To Body Size?
For those of you who are new beginners, you may still be confused about giving the right dose of food. It could be that you have prepared food, but did not finish it in one meal.
PetPi recommends feeding hamsters twice, in the morning and evening with a half a tablespoon of pellets or a combination of grains per meal.
The amount of this food can also change depending on the number of hamsters you keep in a cage. The size and type of hamster can affect too, you know.
Like you can give small hamster food like the Roborovski hamster in small amounts. In contrast to the Syrian hamster, which requires a larger dose of food.
And don't forget to clean up leftover food beforehand so that the hamster's feed stays fresh. Also prepare clean water that is usually given in a special drinking place.
Well, that's a number of good and nutritious hamster food recommendations. As for if there are health problems such as diarrhea, you can reduce the portion or not give it anymore, yes.
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