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How to Cultivate Flowerhorn Fish

On this occasion, we will provide information for all of you about Louhan Fish. Pay attention to the information we convey below for your knowledge in cultivation. Hopefully it can be useful and as a motivation for you in trying.

How to Cultivate Flowerhorn Ornamental Fish: Do you know this ornamental fish, which used to be very popular and the price was very expensive, but at this time the flowerhorn fish is not as crowded as it used to be. This louhan fish is said to be a fish that can bring hockey to those who keep it. The origin of this louhan fish began in breeding starting in 1993. Many Malaysians especially admire fish with protruding heads, known as Karoi or warships, found in the western part of the world. their country. The slightly protruding forehead and long tail of this fish is prized by Taiwanese fans as a sign of good luck in geomancy. In 1994, the red devil cichlid (genus Amphilophus) imported from Central America to Malaysia and the hybrid parrot cichlid imported from Taiwan to Malaysia and bred these fish together,

How to Cultivate Flowerhorn Fish

In 1995, further crossbreeding was held with the Human Face Red God of Fortune, which resulted in a new breed called the Five-Colors God of Fortune. Because of its beautiful color, this fish became popular quickly. Selective refinement continued until 1998, when the Seven-Colors Blue Fiery Mouth (also known as the Greenish Gold Tiger) was imported from Central America, and its cross-breeding with the Jin Gang Blood Parrot from Taiwan. This embracing eventually resulted in the first generation of Hua Luo Han flowerhorn hybrids, which was followed by the introduction of the next flowerhorn.

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Based on the type, the Flowerhorn Ornamental Fish is divided into 6 types:
  2. CENCU

Tips for Choosing Quality Flowerhorn Ornamental Fish
  • The characteristics of a good quality Flowerhorn are 
  • Balanced upper and lower fins
  • Firm black spots from the base of the tail to the gills
  • Metallic silver gold color circle encircling black spots
  • Pearl spots are seen almost all over the body
  • The base color of the body is bright red and bright yellow
  • Fins and tail split wide and intact
  • Nongnong on the head looks proportional
  • Full circle red eyes


Things that need special attention in the cultivation or spawning of flowerhorn is the quality of the water that will be used as a spawning medium. The source of water to be used for spawning can come from well water or PAM water. If spawning is carried out using well water, it is recommended that the well water be deposited for 48 hours before use. If using PAM water, it is best to neutralize the chlorine level and pH of the water first. This neutralization can be done by using a 5 ppm trisulfate solution.  

Flowerhorn spawning can be done in an aquarium or pond. Some types of equipment that must be in a pond or aquarium are as follows:
  • Water reservoir
  • Filter
  • Aerator
  • Water Container
  • Ornaments and stones
  • UV lamp

Louhan fish is a type of fish that is aggressive and territorial (maintaining its territory), so this fish often fights with other fish placed in the same area with it. However, flowerhorn is a fish that is easy to raise. To be able to spawn, a female flowerhorn is required to be at least 10 cm long and a male flowerhorn is larger. 
The difference between male and female flowerhorns can be seen from their genetic closeness. For louhan descendants of Cichlasoma trimaculatum, if there are black spots on the dorsal fin, then the louhan is female. If physical differentiation is difficult, sex differentiation can be done by venting, namely observing the sex organs of the flowerhorn in question. 

After getting the prospective broodstock for spawning, place the two parents in an aquarium that has been given a glass divider. The goal is for them to get used to each other. When the female flowerhorn has shown signs of laying eggs, remove the divider. After the separation barrier is removed, observe the behavior of the two flowerhorns. If the two continue to fight, immediately separate the two flowerhorns. Efforts to unite the two flowerhorns can be carried out a few weeks later or can also change partners. 

If spawning is successful, observe the behavior of the two flowerhorns. If both parents get along and keep the eggs, let them stick together. If both parents tend to fight, separate the male parent from the female parent so that the female parent guards the eggs. If the female parent eats the eggs, separate them from the eggs.

How to Care for a Good Flowerhorn

Flowerhorn is a type of fish that is easy to maintain. With the standard of fish maintenance in general, flowerhorn can live and grow well. However, flowerhorn will be more interesting, if in its maintenance pay close attention. 

Feeding Flowerhorn Fish 

In addition to the place of maintenance and water quality, feeding also affects the appearance of the flowerhorn. Feed that contains the right nutrition, balanced will beautify the appearance of flowerhorn. There are two kinds of flowerhorn feed, namely natural feed and artificial feed. 

Natural food can be in the form of mosquito larvae (cuk), water fleas, shrimp, German caterpillars, and worms. Because natural feed is less hygienic, some are washed or cleaned of germs and bacteria before being given to flowerhorns. Natural food can make the color of flowerhorn fish more brilliant. 
While artificial feed can be in the form of pellets containing hormones or pellets containing spirulina. Such pellets can trigger the growth of flowerhorn color, so that flowerhorn becomes more brilliant and beautiful.

Artificial feeding accelerates flowerhorn color development. However, excessive artificial feeding has several negative effects. For example the appearance of color in unwanted places (lips and fins). Even if an overdose can attack the liver and cause death, therefore, a varied diet will ensure adequate intake of vitamins and nutrients needed by the flowerhorn. 

How to Cultivate Flowerhorn Fish

Types of Diseases and Treatments 

The appearance of the flowerhorn will be even more stunning if it is supported by good health. Flowerhorn can be affected by various diseases that will reduce the value of its beauty. Diseases that usually attack the flowerhorn include white spots, mouth ulcers, defects or wounds, stress, and bloating and bad breath. 

1. White Spot Disease in Flowerhorn Fish

White spots or spots are the appearance of white spots on flowerhorn scales. White spots are caused by the presence of fungi. This fungus appears because of the poor quality of the water used. White spot is a disease that is difficult to cure. Therefore, before the flowerhorn is exposed to white spots, it is better to maintain the quality of the water used. Adding salt to the fish tank also helps prevent white spots from appearing.

2. Ulcer Mouth Disease in Flowerhorn Fish

Flowerhorn affected by mouth ulcers is characterized by red swelling in its mouth. Mouth ulcers can occur due to the attack of Crustaceae (a type of shrimp), wound infection due to fighting, bacteria or fungi, and unsuitable feed.

Ulcers can be cured by isolating the flowerhorn in a special aquarium. The ulcerated louhan mouth is given antibiotics. While in treatment, fast flowerhorn for 2-3 days. After that give nutritious feed.

3. Defects or Wounds in Flowerhorn Fish

Disfigurement or injury to the flowerhorn can occur due to fighting with other fish or due to poor water quality. This disease can be cured by isolating the flowerhorn in a special aquarium and treating the wound with antibiotics. While in treatment, the flowerhorn is given nutritious food so that it recovers quickly.

4. Stress on Flowerhorn Fish

If the flowerhorn's body color suddenly fades, black stripes appear, the hump is deflated, and its behavior is passive, chances are that the flowerhorn is experiencing stress. Flowerhorn can experience stress due to various things. For example the wrong placement of the aquarium, poor feed, fear of enemies, or highlighting the lights and color of clothes.

To deal with stress on flowerhorn can be done several things. So that the louhan is not stressed, the aquarium is placed 80 cm above the floor, the flowerhorn is given appropriate food, separated from other fish, and accustomed to dealing with various situations so as not to be easily startled.

5. Bloating and rotten mouth

If the flowerhorn's stomach swells and is red, it is likely that the flowerhorn has oral rot disease. This disease can arise due to unhygienic feed. In addition to causing red bloating, unhygienic feed can cause mouth rot. Mouth rot disease is characterized by swollen and droopy lips.

Both diseases can be cured by administering drugs. The way louhan is treated for 7 days in a water solution of antibiotic, antiparasitic, and antifungal drugs. During the therapy period flowerhorn is not fed (fasted). In addition to this method, flowerhorn can also be treated using warm water and fish salt. During this therapy the flowerhorn is fasted for 3 days.

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