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Anti-Failure, Here Are 7 Ways Of Laying Ducks For Beginners

Want to learn to start a small business? Come on, see a guide on how to raise laying ducks for beginners who can make big profits!

Smart friends, how to raise ducks for beginners is the only important capital in order to minimize failure in the future harvest. Running a duck farm has many advantages if you look at it from a business perspective, namely laying ducks. Currently duck eggs have a very high demand after the meat. 

Duck eggs have a very rich nutritional content so that there are many enthusiasts in the market. The method of laying ducks also has its own advantages compared to chicken farming. So do not be surprised if the duck egg business is now in great demand by the public. 

In the following, Petpi will review in full how to raise ducks for beginners. Come on, see the review below. 

Also read: How to Choose Superior and Quality Laying Chicken Seeds

How To Raise Layer Ducks Correctly?

Anti-Failure, Here Are 7 Ways Of Laying Ducks For Beginners

For laying eggs you have to prepare as well as possible in order to get satisfactory results. You can start with this duck farming method by preparing a budget, making a cage, choosing seeds, doing maintenance to harvesting. Here are some ways to raise ducks that Petpi has summarized for you. 

1. Prepare A Budget

The first way you can do is create and prepare a budget. For those of you who decide to be in business, this one definitely requires quite a lot of money, so you have to record all your needs from cages, seeds, feed, to duck care.  

In the initial capital you have to do a thorough recording. This initial capital starts from renting land, buying seeds, making cages and the price of feed for ducks. If you have recorded it in detail, then you can adjust it according to the funds you have at that time. You can use personal money or loans for initial capital. 

2. Preparing The Land

If the capital has been set, you can proceed to the next stage, which is looking for land for raising livestock. To raise ducks you need clean and dry land so that the ducks are comfortable. In addition, you should also know that the place for raising ducks must have sufficient lighting. 

Don't forget to make sure the duck farm is not close to residential areas. You have to make a proper duck cage and adjust the land to the number of ducks you want to raise. Do not make a cage that is too narrow for raising ducks. 

3. Make A Simple Cage

Before raising laying ducks, the step you have to do is to make a duck cage. You should know that there are 3 types of cages commonly used for raising ducks, namely litter cages, battery system cages and stage cages. The stage cage is shaped like a stage and is located above ground level so that the duck cage stays dry and avoids disease. 

Then, for the litter cage, it is a cage made of a fence with open and closed spaces. Making this one cage is very cheap. And for the battery cage, it is a cage that looks similar to a stage cage but has levels, it can be 3 or 4 stories high. 

The base must be tilted up to 30 degrees, making it easier for you to pick up duck eggs. Make a cage according to your needs, capital and land. 

4. Choosing Quality Seeds

The next step is how to breed successful laying ducks, starting with choosing superior duck seeds. Laying duck seeds are usually provided when the duck is still young or it can be duck that is ready to lay eggs. The price of these duck seeds of course varies according to the type and quality of the duck. 

Anti-Failure, Here Are 7 Ways Of Laying Ducks For Beginners

When you choose duck seeds, you must be able to make sure that they are healthy and are superior seeds. Usually duck breeds are known as DOD (Day Old Duck) in the duck farming world. In addition, you need to know also that you can buy duck seeds 1 to 10 days after hatching. 

Choose a duck with a weight of 38 to 40 grams, no physical defects, agile movements, good voice, shiny beak, and smooth fur are the characteristics of a healthy duck. 

5. Choosing Duck Feed

To obtain good quality eggs, ducks must be given quality feed. Duck feed must be able to meet the needs of protein, energy and minerals. Now you can find duck feed easily because it is sold in farm shops. 

In addition, you can also provide natural laying duck feed such as snails, seeds, vegetables, fish, minced chicken, insects and others. 

6. Doing Treatment

It's not enough to just provide feed, the way for laying ducks to produce lots of quality eggs is to take care of the ducks regularly. It is very important that you do so that the duck cage is kept clean and the ducks are protected from disease. 

Because the growth of ducks is different from one another. Then you have to group the ducks based on their size in order to prevent adult ducks from hurting young ducks. Then, do the separation if there are sick ducks then immediately take treatment, yes. 

Another thing that you should pay attention to is that you have to make sure that the duck cage gets enough sunlight so that the cage is not easily damp which eventually causes disease. 

7. Harvesting Eggs

It is known that ducks will start laying eggs after they are 5 to 7 months old. In this early period, usually the number of duck eggs is not stable.

Ducks can lay eggs every day and you can harvest them every day too. During the first 5 to 7 months, with 100 ducks, you can get 30 to 50 eggs. This number can continue to increase when the age of the duck is also more productive as well. 

That was a complete explanation of how to breed laying ducks for beginners that you can try as a business opportunity and get many benefits from it. Good luck with your efforts, Smart Buddy! 

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