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Laying Or Giving Birth? Here Are 3 Ways To Breed Frogs

How do frogs reproduce? It turns out that this is how frogs reproduce and the following characteristics of adult frogs you should know!

Smart friends, the way frogs breed can be said to be quite unique because they have certain phases that are rarely shared by other animals. These insect-eating amphibians are very easy to find in Indonesia. 

Frogs are animals that can live in two realms, namely in water and on land. Frogs have small bodies and smooth skin. It also has a variety of colors, but what we usually find is brown or green. 

Its life cycle also has several stages that are not shared by other animals. Surely you are curious, right? For that, let's look at the following explanation. 

How Do Frogs Reproduce?

WIBLaying Or Giving Birth? Here Are 3 Ways To Breed Frogs

Usually we can find frogs in swamps, rice fields or forests. Yes, indeed this place is a habitat for frogs because it has the right temperature for the frog's body. 

In addition, frogs also have unique stages of metamorphosis. Frogs are indeed animals that can live in two realms when they mature, so that frogs have a different life cycle from other animals in general.

Also read: Factors Affecting Animal Growth and Development

However, if there is a marriage and the process of laying eggs can be done in water.

When laying eggs, frogs can produce 5 thousand to 20 thousand eggs, you know. Frog eggs can be placed in damp tree trunks or in water. The following is a complete review of how frogs reproduce. 

  • How To Reproduce Frogs With Oviparous

This one animal breeds by laying eggs or we are familiar with oviparous. Although there are also some types of frogs that reproduce by means of internal fertilization, namely viviparous and ovoviviparous.

Usually frogs lay their eggs under the leaves in the water. Frogs are one of the animals that go through complete metamorphosis.

Each development process is certainly very different. As previously discussed, frogs can lay up to thousands of eggs, although not all of them can live to become perfect frogs. 

Then, the eggs will hatch after 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the water temperature. After all the eggs hatch, what comes out is a tadpole. The tadpoles will live in the water with algae, plankton and small plants as food. 

After 5 days, the tadpoles change to the next process. Well, at this stage he becomes a young frog.

When viewed from the physical, young frogs are still similar to tadpoles, but already have 4 legs with a tadpole tail that is still there. The young frog stage will last for a few weeks to a maximum of 1 month. 
After the formation of the legs is complete, the organs in the body automatically begin to form perfectly.

One of them is the formation in the lungs so that frogs can live on land. The last process is the tail as long as it becomes a tadpole will slowly disappear with age. 

  • How To Breed Frogs With Vivipar

Uniquely, almost all frogs reproduce by means of oviparity, but there are also two types of frogs that reproduce by giving birth just like humans or commonly called viviparity

The type of frog that gave birth came from the African continent, namely Nimbaphrynoides and Nectophrynoides. 

In general, frogs will metamorphose completely, but this is not the case with these two types of frogs because the two frogs will immediately give birth to a young frog, and not give birth to a tadpole.

Therefore, because it does not go through the stages of shape change as in frogs generally causes the frog's life cycle to become incomplete metamorphosis. 

  • How To Reproduce Frogs With Ovoviviparous

Not only reproduce by laying eggs or giving birth, it turns out that there is also one type of frog that reproduces by a combination of both, namely laying eggs and giving birth or ovoviviparity.

This unique frog is an amphibian endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia, named Limnonectes larvaepartus. So they carry out fertilization in their bodies which when they have eggs, they will always incubate them in their stomachs or stomachs. 

Now after the eggs have hatched or have become tadpoles, they will immediately vomit it out of their bodies. After that, the tadpoles will undergo a life cycle process like frogs in general.

Previously, there was also a frog type that reproduced in an ovoviviparous way, namely the Platypus frog ( Rheobatrachus ). However, unfortunately this type of frog has become extinct in the wild. 

How Do Frogs Grow Up To Adults?

Frogs are amphibians that can change their physical form from the stages they go through during metamorphosis.

In breeding, frogs can fertilize externally, meaning if the female releases her eggs in the water and the male frog releases sperm in the water, the eggs will be fertilized. 

Over time, tadpoles grow into adult frogs and have lungs and legs. With this stage of growth, the gills that he had as a tadpole will disappear.

In adulthood, his lungs can receive the air he has inhaled and put into the throat so that he can expand, then the air enters the lungs. 

What Are The Most Striking Features Of Frogs?

Below are some characteristics of frogs that you should know so as not to be confused again when you see a frog because the two animals are not the same. 
  • Usually, young frogs live more in water, because the respiratory organs that help them breathe are still in the form of gills. 
  • Adult frogs can live on land when their breathing apparatus has turned into lungs. 
  • Frogs are animals that reproduce by oviparous or egg-laying and viviparous or giving birth. If done oviparous means fertilization occurs outside where the sperm and egg will fuse in the water. 
  • The frog's skin will always be wet, because to help it breathe. In addition, because oxygen can diffuse from the skin of the frog. 
  • Frogs have 4 legs which they use to jump. 
  • Has membranes located between the toes on his feet so he can swim easily. 
  • Frogs are animals that undergo a complete metamorphosis process. 

Thus a discussion of how to breed frogs that have been explained in detail. Hopefully this wetting can be useful and useful for you, Friend Smart! 

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