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How to Overcome and Treat Mouth and Nail Diseases in Cattle

How to Overcome and Treat Mouth and Nail Diseases in Cattle – Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) or known as Aphthae epizooticae, Food and Mouth Disease (FMD) is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases in cattle.


FMD is caused by the Aphthovirus genus in the Picornaviridae family, in addition there are seven serottypes of FMD virus that have been identified through serological tests and cross-protection, namely types A, O, C, SAT1, SAT2, SAT3, and Asian type 1. FMD is caused by type 011, each serotype has different antigenic properties so that only type 011 can breed in Indonesia.

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Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) also attacks several other livestock that have even nails, such as buffalo, goats, sheep, deer, pigs, elephants, rats, mice and so on. Transmission of this disease can be through direct or indirect contact, such as air, environment, cage equipment, breeders and so on.

Symptoms and Characteristics of FMD Disease in Cattle

  • Increased body temperature (fever) reaching 41 degrees Celsius.
  • The condition of the body is weak, lethargic and the hair is dull.
  • Decreased appetite, so body weight is reduced.
  • Will not stand, even cattle will limp.
  • Rubbing seedlings, grinding teeth.
  • Likes to kick feet, caused by vesicles (blisters) on the mucous membranes of the nose and buccal as well as between the nails.
  • A special sign of FMD is blisters in the form of round bumps filled with saliva in the oral cavity, upper tongue, inner lips and so on.

How to Overcome and Treat FMD in Cows

FMD Control:
  • Isolation, cattle infected with FMD from cows to other cows in certain cages. Isolation aims to inhibit the spread of disease, facilitate the treatment and treatment of FMD.
  • Sanitation, by maintaining the cleanliness of the cage, the location of the cage, the equipment for the cage and the place for feeding and drinking.
  • Spraying of disinfectants and insecticides, aims to avoid and inhibit the wider spread of FMD disease in farm locations.
  • Provision of antibiotics and vitamins aims to increase immunity and maintain livestock health so that other livestock are not susceptible to FMD disease.
  • Vaccination, must be done before contracting FMD disease. Usually the vaccine used is an active viral vaccine containing an adjuvant.
  • Conducting biosecurity so that farmers and livestock are not infected with PMK disease, aims to reduce the spread of the disease.
  • Destruction of carcasses, garbage and all animal products that have been infected by FMD.

FMD Treatment:

  • Cutting and disposal of infected cattle body tissue.
  • Infected feet are usually treated with Chloramphenicol or Cuprisulfate.
  • Intravenous injection of Sulfadimidine, Immunoglobulin IV (IGIV) preparations can also be done if you are also immunocompromised or a neonate.
  • Antiseptic can also be given to the affected area, such as the mouth. By using analgesic drugs, such as paracetamol.
  • In addition, it can also be smeared with 5% Cuprisulfate solution every day for 1 week.

Thus information about How to Overcome and Treat Mouth and Nail Diseases in Cows.  Hopefully the article above can be useful and useful, thank you.

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